At the beginning of the epidemic, there were fewer patients among them, and now everything has changed


The latest, third wave of the pandemic, has brought with it new vulnerable groups, so at this time, according to the data, pregnant women, children, as well as the obese are those who need special attention.

Pregnant women

According to Sladjana Mihajlovic, director of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital of the “Dra. Dragisa Misovic” Clinical Hospital Center, the number of positive pregnant women who are developing increasingly difficult clinical conditions in relation to the two previous waves of the epidemic is increasing. .

– Since the beginning of the year, 25 healthy babies have been born to covid-positive mothers. During the last year, we had 177 of them, so the number of positive pregnant women is growing, which is very worrying – emphasizes Dr. Mihajlović.

Mihajlović believes that pregnant women are now much more threatened in relation to the first and second waves of the corona virus. As she said, they probably relaxed because the good weather “attracted them” and the coffees.

– The clinical pictures are more difficult, inevitably. We only have pregnant women who need oxygen and intravenous therapy, Mihajlović said, noting that between 24 and 34 weeks of pregnancy, the most difficult clinical picture occurs in COVID-positive pregnant women.


The director of the Vojvodina Public Health Institute and member of the Crisis Staff for the fight against the crown, Prof. spoke about the current gender situation in regards to coronary heart disease. Dr. Vladimir Petrovic, who believes that both men and women are equally ill, but that in the third wave we still have more infected women.

– The male / female gender index in Vojvodina had a value of 1.20 until the start of the third wave, which means that there were 10 female patients out of 12 male patients affected. However, already at the end of November, therefore, during the third wave, that value changed, and now it is 0.96 for the entire course of the epidemic. What is the reason for that? It’s unclear, says Petrovic.

In addition, Batajnica hospital anesthesiologist Dejan Markovic said that, in addition to the main difference being that we are all more tired and exhausted now than a year ago when we first encountered the virus, there is another big problem. . difference. and these are the groups currently most vulnerable to infection, which meanwhile have only expanded, because there are almost no exceptions.

– What is new and different is that the female sex has been more represented in recent months than in the previous year. We used to have 80 percent of the men, and now it’s about half and half, “Markovic said.


That there are no rules with the crown and that the virus is very “rare”, as well as all its variations, was confirmed after a greater number of young people fell ill at the end of February, and the number of child exams in the clinics also increased, as the younger population is almost completely safe.

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon spoke about the danger to children, noting that the latest British strain of the virus dominates more in Serbian schools, but that, in his opinion, the situation is so because epidemiological protection measures are less respected in those institutions. .

– It was mainly noticed that they don’t wear protective masks there. At least according to what can be seen in schools – said Dr. Kon at the time.

According to data obtained by the British scientific community, the new variant of the corona is still to blame for the increase in infected children, since this strain is approximately 60% more contagious than the usual variant of the coronavirus, and the number of infected with the British strain is much higher compared to the number of infected with other coronavirus strains in the same age group.

NERVTAG Fellow Wendy Barkley Professor Wendy of the Royal College says that mutations made it easier for the virus to penetrate human cells, making children more prone to infection and adults have been easier targets so far .

“Children are as susceptible to this virus as adults, so we can expect more infected children, given their pattern of interference,” Berkeley said.


Anesthesiologist Dejan Markovic also pointed out that obese patients are one of the most threatened, although this group has been among those at greatest risk since the beginning of the epidemic.

– Now we have patients who weigh and approach 200 kilograms and their clinical picture is terribly severe, although they are very young and among the youngest in the hospital – Markovic emphasizes.

On that occasion, Markovic added that another novelty of the mutated strain of coronavirus was that now the situation with some patients is getting complicated.

– Immediately after a few days after the onset of symptoms, severe clinical pictures develop, so patients must be hospitalized on the second, third day after the onset of symptoms – emphasizes Markovic.


Bonus video:

Dr. Sladjana Mihajlovic, manager of the gynecology and obstetrics hospital Dra. Dragisa Misovic


Dra. Sladjana Mihajlovic, manager of the gynecology and obstetrics hospital Dra. Dragisa Misovic

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