At that time, she ENJOYED more with Ras, so she told everyone what CAN’T EXPECT (PHOTO)


GOCA TRŽAN REMEMBERED THE DREAM HOLIDAYS: She ENJOYED the most with Raša at that time, so she told everyone what she CAN'T WAIT (PHOTO)

Photo: Printscreen / Instagram

Singer Goca Tržan recalled an adventure in Indonesia, where she was with Rasha a year ago.

Goca shared a joint photo on Instagram and added:

– Taken last year on this day. Location: Raja Ampat National Park, Indonesia … The dive trip team was spectacularly resourceful and fun. In eight days they made 22 dives with tanks. In short, the trip of our lives. And we all hope to travel somewhere again without fear.

Let us remind you that the singer is very active on social media, which is why she recently admitted that she is not exactly like everything in the photo she posts.

“No matter how much I lose weight, I have that lower abdomen, so I pull it in when I pose, then I squeeze it, then I adjust, but what can I do, I have it, it is mine, after delivery it increased a little more , but I learned to love her “By all the bellies and bellies of this world”, wrote Goca next to the image with a tight dress.

photo: ATA Images


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Author: delivery courier
