
Illustration, Photo: EPA / Szilard Koszticsak
The decision to get vaccinated is a personal decision based on the information I have about the vaccine and what I know as a doctor, Dr. Rade Panic, an anesthesiologist, said today in Kraljevo after receiving the Fajzer vaccine.
Dr. Rade Panić, who is the president of the Union of Doctors and Pharmacists of Serbia. He said this union “will not interfere in the profession” and will not come out with an official position on vaccination, but that members will independently express their opinions, according to the Kraljevo portal “Krug”.
In his statement, after receiving the Pfizer vaccine today, Panic stated that, as a member of the Council of the Association “United Against Covid”, he could refer to this organization that, as he said, “deals with the profession and advocates vaccination “. .

– When you are thinking about whether you will be vaccinated or not, think about whether you will decide on the risk of covid disease, which will surely come in a certain period of time, or whether you will gain immunity through vaccination and therefore protect yourself and your environment. You think between the tin boxes in which the deceased were covered in chlorine and that there are some cases, that at this moment, after a million vaccinations, there are less than 10, and I would say less than five, where there is only one possible Suspicion that the vaccine is something could have contributed to those deaths. Those are two things that cannot be compared at all – said Panić.
He added that, as a doctor, with the information at his disposal, he absolutely hopes that the majority of health workers and the majority of citizens will be vaccinated as soon as the conditions are met, that is, when the Ministry of Health, the Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanovic Batut” and the Republic pension funds and health insurance will get enough vaccines to immunize whoever wants.
(Kurir.rs/krug.rs, MMD)

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