At noon today the number of infected and dead in the crown is higher than yesterday (VIDEO)


BELGRADE – The Minister of Health, Zlatibor Loncar, and the executive director of the “GH Holding” Consortium, Gregor Jernejc, signed an agreement today on the construction and reconstruction of the Vojvodina Clinical Center (KCV).

Signature of a contract with a selected contractor in the Government of Serbia Also in attendance was Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, as well as Dubravka Negre, Director of the EIB Regional Office for the Western Balkans.

Prime Minister Ana Brnabić declared today that they are the corona numbers are getting worse and that the number of people infected with kovid 19, according to the cross-section at 12 o’clock, is slightly worse than yesterday at noon. And the death toll is higher than yesterday, Brnabić said.

“The whole country is in a difficult situation. I call on everyone to understand this struggle as a struggle of each individual for the whole of society, I ask that the measures be respected, that we help health workers,” Brnabic told journalists in government after signing a contract with the contractor. KC Vojvodina.

The works at KCV include the reconstruction and expansion of plates B and C of the Emergency Diagnosis Center with an area of ​​more than 33,000 square meters, the expansion of the hot connection with the existing clinics within KCV, as well as technical blocks with roads and parking lots.

Plates B and C will include a surgical block with 16 operating rooms, intensive and semi-intensive care units and a hospital with a total of 348 beds.

The main project of this clinical center was completed in 2015 and the building permit was obtained in October 2016. The consortium “GH Holding” from Ljubljana and Delta Inženjering from Belgrade were chosen as contractors.

The contractor has a period of 30 days to start the preparatory works, and the term for the completion of the works is 29 months from the signing of the contract between the investor and the works scout. The signing of the contract was also attended by the provincial secretary of Health, Zoran Gojković, and the director of KCV, Edita StokicH.


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