Ashanin: An extremely difficult night is behind us


The director of the Serbian Clinical Center, Professor Milika Ashanin, said that 80 patients were admitted to the new Kovid hospital in Batajnica and that it was an extremely difficult night for us.

Milika Ashanin is a guest of RTS He affirmed that the Kovid Batajnica Hospital, which received the first patients yesterday, did not arrive at the right time, but at the last moment.

“We had 80 admissions during the night, it was an extremely difficult night. Admissions began at 5 pm. These are patients with moderate and severe symptoms, bilateral pneumonia. 41 patients came from the Infectious Diseases Clinic, 27 from KBC Bežanijska kosa, either “The patient is from KBC Zvezdara, Zemun. Eight of them requested to be admitted to intensive care. The youngest patient is 33 years old, the oldest is 91 years old, “says Ashanin.

These are patients, according to the complaints, who in 50 percent of the cases had associated cardiovascular and neurological diseases.

“All of Belgrade has been waiting for a hospital like this for a long time. I must remind you that no general-type hospital with such capabilities has been built since World War II. When all this happens, it will be a serious hospital that can be used for various It could also be a future Emergency Center, “Ashanin said.

The enormous efforts of physicians dealing with invisible patients

As for KCS’s other capabilities for treating covid patients, everything is packed.

“The third wave is much tougher. When the second wave ended, we thought it could not get worse. The public was very surprised that the opening of the new hospital began on August 1, and now it has been shown how saving it was,” Ashanin emphasized. .

He noted the enormous efforts made by employees who do not deal with kovid patients.

“In Serbia, the highest mortality is from cardiovascular diseases, neoplasms, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes … All the professors at the medical school are fully involved, even on call. We manage to meet those needs with a good organization. the clinic at KCS has one or two outpatient clinics that see these patients. We usually have day and diagnostic hospitals, “says Ashanin.

They are very satisfied, he adds, with the profile of the people who contacted us to seek employment.

“We have hired 207 doctors and more than 100 nurses and technicians. We also plan to establish a strong team when it comes to doctors in Batajnica. We will deploy these young doctors. There are many of them who are volunteers and young doctors in KCS. Some will go to the Kovid hospital in Batajnica, and some will be in KCS for a while, “says Ashanin.

When asked how many infected healthcare workers are there at the moment, he pointed out that compared to the second wave, we are three times more infected.

“This is normal because the frequency of patients is much higher, but they were infected through their workplace – the exact figure – 544, of which 129 doctors. Only three doctors and 16 nurses are hospitalized. All the others are in a milder form and they are isolated, “Ashanin said.
