As Serbian villages die, VRMDZA CVETA


The town with an unusual name in the municipality of Sokobanja, hosted last weekend the state championship organized by the Serbian Mountaineering Association and the Sport Climbing Festival, thanks to many years of efforts to train three rocks for this unusual discipline.

The festival brought together almost 80 sport climbers from all over the territory of Serbia and lasted two days, on September 12 and 13. Our best climber Stasa Gejo was among the competitors.

– The promotion of climbing through these festivals can thus attract more tourists and climbers, to develop, climb different directions, different styles and rocks throughout Serbia – he told “RTS”.

The sport climbing festival has been held for the fourth year in a row, and village organizers worked on developing directions for the competitions in cooperation with the Nis College of Sports and Physical Education.

– This is a climbing destination for both serious climbers and beginners, for climbing training, for everyone who wants to experience nature and climbing – explains Dr. Daniel Stanković, professor at the Faculty of Sports in Niš.

The village of an unusual name was saved by the locals.

As its name suggests, Vrmdža, a place with many springs, is rich in water, but so are the locals who cooperate with the local community in the best possible promotion of their village.

Jana and Sveta Stefanović, who decided to come to this beautiful place from Belgrade, think that it is good that a lot of events are being organized.

– It is important that we have demonstrations because we need to bring nature closer to the people of the city, because as we all know – it is healthy, but we have to come and be there a little longer to really feel some benefits – says Jana for “RTS”.

– We have noticed that in recent years we have been working on promotion, in this aspect of rural development and ethno-tourism, and that is another reason that attracted us to come here – concludes Sveta Stefanović.

In the last ten years, thanks to the action of the locals, about 50 houses were bought in Vrmdža, while last year alone, about 8,000 hikers visited this place.

– We are trying to create the conditions of the 21st century and keep nature intact – concludes Slaviša Krstić from MZ Vrmdža.
