As of tonight, new more restrictive measures in the fight against the crown are in force in Serbia


Tonight, the application of new more restrictive measures in the fight against the coronavirus begins in Serbia.

In the next two weeks, in the period from 21 to 5 hours, the work of catering facilities is prohibited, but also of shops, shopping centers, except pharmacies, food delivery, gas stations that refuel and the economy that works the third turn.

The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, stated that if these measures do not yield results before December 1, The government will also bet on the prohibition of the movement of citizens to protect the population.

According to the data announced yesterday, in Serbia another 2,813 people became ill with coronavirus and about 11,500 people were tested.

21 people died, while 161 patients are in serious condition on a ventilator in hospitals across Serbia.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
