As of tomorrow, we are in the PURPLE ZONE based on the number of people infected with corona on a daily basis!


ALARMING WARNING FROM PROFESSOR KOČOVIĆ: Starting tomorrow we will be in the PURPLE ZONE according to the number of people infected with corona on a daily basis!

Photo: Hepi TV print screen

As of tomorrow we are in the purple zone, which is from 101 to 250 infected per 100,000 inhabitants. As things stand, we are going uphill at high speed, says Professor Petar Kočović, who uses a mathematical model unique in the world to monitor the coronavirus pandemic and predict when the waves of the epidemic in our country will end.

This means that, according to Professor Kocovic’s forecasts, tomorrow we will find ourselves in the worst zone in terms of the number of people infected by coronavirus on a daily basis.

As explained by the professor earlier, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) divides countries into color-coded zones: green zone (0 to 15 infected per 100,000), yellow zone (15-30 infected per 100,000 ), the red zone (30-50 infected per 100,000), as well as the purple zone (50+ infected per 100,000 inhabitants).

Professor Kočović claims that other countries, especially Germany, have shown that only special measures can regulate the coronavirus epidemic. By the way, his team is made up of mathematicians and programmers who monitor the situation in 216 countries on a daily basis.

It is the only mathematical model in the world to monitor a coronavirus pandemic. As Professor Kočović explains, he has 5 models to monitor the epidemic, but the Gaussian curve is the most famous.

– For the Gauss curve, only data on infected patients are needed on a daily basis. I use data published by the Ministry of Health and the “Trampolín” Public Health Institute. This technology calculates quite reliably: I will use the term predictions, the end of the cycle, as well as the peaks … And not only for Serbia, but for all countries, said above.

Let us remind you, today in our country, a record was broken in the number of people infected by the coronavirus. A total of 1,328 new cases were confirmed in the previous 24 hours, 9,690 were analyzed and 5 people died. There were 39 patients on the ventilator, 210 were hospitalized. Expressed in percentages, in relation to the number of examined, 13.70 percent were infected.

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