As of January 1, the subscriptions of cigarettes, gasoline and TV will go up (DETAILED LIST)



12.15.2020. 23:38

A blow to the pockets of citizens from January 1


Invoices, Photo: Hello! / Dejan Briza

Starting on January 1 of next year, citizens of Serbia will need several thousand more dinars per month for basic bills. Increased prices for fuel, cigarettes and TV subscriptions have been announced, and some municipalities should expect higher property taxes as well as water bills.

Amendments to certain laws signed higher taxes and fees, new average values ​​of square meters of real estate were prepared and some services became more expensive after four years with price adjustments.

Likewise, the world market situation affects the prices of certain goods and services in our country, which will affect the growth of fuel prices.

Money, dinars

Money, dinars, Photo: Shutterstock


Drivers could expect new price lists at gas stations starting next month, as the value of oil on world stock exchanges reached the value of $ 50 a barrel. Those familiar with the situation hope that this will be reflected in the price of fuel in our country, which could rise in price from two to four dinars a liter in January. However, the assessment is somewhat more realistic that global events could spread to the Serbian market, only in two to three months, because Serbian tankers buy raw materials on the world stock market about that early.

Fuel Gasoline Gas Station Refuel

Fuel, Photo: Shutterstock


According to the proposed amendments to the Special Tax Law in the next four years, a further increase in the price of ordinary cigarettes and non-combustible tobacco is expected, and the first to occur will be in January next year at 10 dinars per pack. take 76, 75 dinars from the producers instead of the previous 74, 60. This is the rule that provides for the new legal solution according to which the specific excise tax will be increased twice a year, until the end of 2025, by 1.5 dinars.


Cigarete, Photo: Shutterstock

TV subscription

After last year’s increase in the price of television subscription from 220 to 255 dinars per month, starting on January 1, citizens will receive an even higher rate for public media service. That is, the bill that entered parliamentary processing stipulates that the subscription of RTS and RTV will increase to 299 as of January 1, 2021.


RTS, Photo: Hello / Vladimir Markovic

Property tax

The Assembly of the City of Belgrade has made a decision on the average prices of the square meters of real estate to determine the property tax for 2021. Of all the parameters, the amount of tax that the Belgraders will pay next year is the one that depends most , and it could be six percent compared to 2020. It is not yet known if the tax amount will increase, but it is now clear that some homeowners and houses in the capital to pay higher taxes as the value of their properties increased real estate.

lonely, building, Paris Commune, New Belgrade

solitary, zgrada, Photo:Đ.

Water bills

The price for water supply and wastewater disposal for all categories of consumers in Belgrade will be five percent higher from January 1. JKP Beogradski vodovod i kanalizacija announced that the price of one cubic meter of supplied water for the categories of homes and sports and recreation centers – swimming pools will in the future amount to 59.46 dinars, or 24.04 dinars for the disposal of wastewater. For the category of other consumers, the price of the delivered water will be 98.40 dinars and for the disposal of wastewater 52.95 dinars.
