As of January 1, employment in the public sector will be facilitated


This is foreseen by the Amendment to the Budgetary System Law, which is in parliamentary process, and which establishes that users of public funds will be able to hire new people as apprentices in the next three years without special permits or consent from the Government of Serbia. .

However, state-owned companies and institutions may permanently hire new employees in a limited number, which may not exceed 70 percent of the total number of those whose employment in that company or institution ended the previous year.

The Government of Serbia will decide on the admission of new employees above that percentage, with the prior opinion of the Ministry of Finance.

The total number of temporary employees cannot exceed 10 percent of the total number of permanent employees, except with the consent of the Government of Serbia.

Likewise, the law establishes that hiring will be possible if the company or state institution has provided funds for salaries, that is, salaries, with the corresponding taxes and contributions for new employees, as well as under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures provided by special regulations.

These restrictions do not apply to judges, prosecutors and deputy prosecutors, teaching staff of an institution of higher education, and scientific and research staff of an accredited scientific research organization in accordance with the law.

Likewise, they do not refer to persons designated and appointed in state bodies and bodies of territorial autonomy and local self-government units, as well as directors of public companies, capital companies, institutions and public bodies founded by the Republic or units of territorial autonomy, that is, local self-government.

The restrictions do not apply to people with disabilities according to the regulations governing the field of vocational rehabilitation and the employment of people with disabilities.
