As long as I’m president, that certainly won’t happen! Seeks to abolish the Republika Srpska


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, is a guest on TV Prva’s “Prva theme” program.

In addition to Vučić, the guests are also the executive director of the Open Society Foundation Milan Antonijević and the professor of the Faculty of Political Science Ivo Visković.

The focus of the program is on relations in the region 25 years after the Dayton Agreement.

When asked if the Dayton Accord should be changed now, Professor Viskovic replied:

“Yes, because BiH does not function as a state, as it should.”

Ivo Viskovic
photo: Prva tv screenshot
Milan Antonijevic
photo: Prva tv screenshot

Antonijevic agreed with Viskovic and Vucic continued:

“Three constituent peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina are being asked about the Dayton Accord, not about the Igman Initiative, not about the president of Serbia,” Vucic said at the outset, asking whether the Dayton Accord should be changed.

The president then spoke about positions on the question of recognition of Kosovo and Metohija.

“I think the best question is whether you are advocating for the recognition or non-recognition of Kosovo’s independence. So the answer would be yes, yes and no. Until April 2022, when there will be elections, that certainly will not happen,” Vucic said. to other guests on the show.

The president then added that Serbia is neutral, speaking of being a member of the NATO pact.

Next, Vučić asked Antonijević and Visković, as signatories to the Igman Initiative, what exactly they would change, more precisely which jurisdiction they would transfer to which side.

“What would the wonderful people you support do? Just tell me in a sentence, or you won’t tell us either. When you put things in black and white, you will never get an answer from them. Or you will get an answer like from Bisera Turkovic, which en Dodik is Hitler and the Republika Srpska should not exist, “Vucic said.

Aleksandar Vučić
photo: Prva tv screenshot

The president stressed that it is incomprehensible for anyone to compare the representative of the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the most suffering people in the Balkans, with Hitler.

“That is why I ask the foreign representatives. What are we going to change? Let me explain why I ask that. Since the establishment of the constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, I have brought it to you to see the powers of the entities. The powers of Bosnia and Herzegovina are just customs policy, political monetary policy, etc. Everything else is under the jurisdiction of the entities, “said Vucic, adding:

“We respect the Dayton Agreement and the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. But the aim is to undermine both the Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. But let me remind you of a detail. The SDA is a serious political party, the most great of the Federation in every way. They made certain decisions in their congress, where they advocate the division of Bosnia and Herzegovina into five or more multi-ethnic regions. The Republika Srpska is not mentioned. And here we see what is cooking and what it’s happening behind the hill. “

The President said that it was evident that the abolition of the Republika Srpska was being sought, so he cited as an example the SDA plan to introduce Pale and the surrounding area of ​​the Republika Srpska city into the territory of the city of Sarajevo.

Ivo Viskovic, Aleksandar Vucic
photo: Prva tv screenshot

“Things have changed irreversibly in Serbia and I know that Professor Viskovic knows it. From a losing country, the worst in Europe in the economy, now he is the first. It is the same with the crown, and in that fight we are among the best We are used to losing in politics. “Serbia has changed, it has become stronger, but not to behave arrogantly, but to be alone.”

Vučić told Antonijević that the Belgrade policy was not destructive:

“I really tried the eight years and did my best not to respond to dozens of insults and slander about how I killed with a sniper in Sarajevo, I kept silent and always extended my hand because I believe that Bosnia and Herzegovina must be the best partner for Serbia, and that the relations between Serbs and Bosnians must be good “.

He pointed out that he did not think that the situation for the Bosnians was easy and that they were the only ones in Bosnia who suffered more than the Serbs, and that we should have reverence for their victims.

“I tried to build the best relationships possible. And with the turnover of people, services and capital, as well as large investments, which were never limited to just RS, but strived to bring people together, and for Serbs and Bosnians to live together, “he said. Vucic.


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