
Photo: Printscreen Youtube / Profimedia
During the conversation, guests of the Cyrillic program on TV Happy, hosted by Milomir Marić, recalled the aggression of the NATO pact on the FRY, and at the same time revealed little-known details about the West’s plans for the Serbs.
The journalist and correspondent for the Brussels Beta agency, Dragan Blagojević, pointed out that the 1999 aggression was necessary for NATO to emphasize its role in the world, which was already superfluous.
“Do not forget that the United States was by far the strongest country in the world, and that China and Russia could not even get close to them. They bombed us on the 50th anniversary of NATO and thus tried to create cohesion in their ranks,” said. Blagojevic adds:
“The United States forced all the European allies to war, but many did not do it voluntarily, especially France.”

In response to this statement, Maric emphasized the role of French President Chirac, who allegedly saved the Belgrade bridges and wanted to be consulted on the objectives that NATO will pursue.
“We had before him the French president who prevented the bombing of Serbia, and that is Francois Mitterrand. He said: ‘As long as I’m alive, you won’t kill Serbs!’ And while wondering something, NATO did not dare to attack “In 1992, there should have been a bombing of Belgrade,” said Maric.
Francois Mitterrand died on January 8, 1996.
(Kurir.rs/Alo/TV Happy)

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