AS IF IT FAILED IN THE COUNTRY: The search for Dejan Mihajlović (50) from the Pirot village of Vojnegovac continues without results


Bojan Božić from the aforementioned ham radio club, who helped many in such and similar situations, says that various teams visited the entire area of ​​Vojnegovac, Sukovo, Lake Sukovsko, Beli Polje, the Nišana coast and the surroundings of Sukovski, but they couldn’t find that terrain.

– We visited all the lonely houses, abandoned buildings, weekend houses, we asked in the brotherhood of the monastery, but no one saw or noticed any unknown man – says Božić.

Photo: V.Ć

They know the reason for Dejan’s move and the reason why now. What everyone in Vojnegovac knows is that Dejan lived with his father, that he was not plagued by financial problems, that he was not a troublemaker or had a problem with alcohol. In other words, his behavior was quite normal.

Before leaving the house, he left his father’s driver’s license and other documents. It has recently started working. The police are also involved in the search for Dejan, in which we learn that he did not leave the country, that is, his departure through the Gradina border crossing or any other crossing was not registered.

Photo: V.Ć

The search continues, but everyone is concerned by the fact that almost ten days have passed since the disappearance and that the last nights in the Pirot area were extremely cold with temperatures that are in the thick negative.

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