Artists in Majdanpek painted a mural for Ljubisa Đurić, in addition to the ban – the Society


On the occasion of the six months since the death of the painter Ljubiša Đurić of kovida-19 in controversial circumstances, the citizens of Majdanpek gathered today at the place where a group of local artists painted a mural in his honor, although the municipal government did not gave permission.

Artists from Majdanpek painted a mural for Ljubisa Đurić, despite ban 1Photo: Twitter / @ Petar_Duric

With the statement “Dad, this is for you who died, and there was no respirator!” His son, Petar Đurić, became famous during the July demonstrations in Belgrade due to the actions of the authorities during the coronavirus epidemic, whom he blamed for the death of his father. His statement for TV H1 toured the world and authorities presented him as a “troublesome person” with a “criminogenic past.”

Petar Đurić told those gathered today in front of the mural that the authorities “mercilessly crucified and crucified his family,” instead of admitting the mistake and saying that Đurić was denied treatment, as well as that “by hiding the mural they wanted to hide his crime. “

“Their crime is not just what they did to my father, but what they do to the entire nation every day. Every time they falsify data on the infected and the dead, for every man who is denied treatment because the respirator was kept in warehouse until it matched (Serbian President) Aleksandar Vučić’s campaign, every time they took advantage of his machinery to oblate, condemn, destroyed all those who tell the truth about their crimes, “said Petar Đurić.

Therefore, Đurić filed a lawsuit against Zemun Hospital in court for the negligent treatment of his father, who died on May 10 from COVID-19.

He also said today that the citizens of Majdanpek have a “miniature of Vučić” – the president of the municipality, Dragan Popović, who, as he said, “gives himself social assistance from the municipal treasury, who blackmails people into spending money. in his cafe, which he sends the police to threaten to arrest me at my father’s funeral. “

“It is a moral zero that can trample on all men, both living and dead, to defend the criminals of his party and his position of robbery and kidnapping,” Đurić said.

He said it was Popovic who tried to ban the painting of murals that from now on “would remind them of all their crimes” and “will stalk them and everyone in the future who think they can sin against humanity, justice and the law, and hide the truth about it. ” .

Earlier, Đurić told the Beta agency that he applied to the Majdanpek municipal administration for permission to paint the mural, but that they only told him that “it would not happen.”

Đurić hopes that the mural with the image of his father will be a reminder to all citizens that they must show solidarity and expose all fraud.

“I can’t bring my father back. But I can and want to fight, together with all of you, to stand in the way of the murderers of the Serbian people. And that’s why I say: ‘Dad, this is for you!’ But also for all Serbian parents, “Đurić said.

Various organizations in Serbia and the Republika Srpska had announced their arrival in Majdanpek for a meeting dedicated to the painter that Majdanpek had promoted throughout his life.

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