VIENNA – After a lengthy investigation, the Austrian police dissolved an organized group, led by a Serbian citizen, which mediated the celebration of fictitious marriages for citizens of the Balkans, who thus obtained an Austrian residence and work permit, reported today the APA agency.
The head of the group, a 49-year-old Serbian citizen, is suspected of organizing 27 fictitious marriages with two accomplices, Austrian citizens, for citizens of Serbia, Bosnia and the territory of Kosovo, who as spouses of the EU acquired the right to reside and work in Austria.
The youths were mostly from Hungary, the suspects took an average of 10,000 euros per marriage and the marriages were mostly performed in front of the registry offices in Serbia, the APA reported.
The five-figure suspects not only mediated false marriages, but also provided their clients with employment certificates at fictitious companies in Vienna, allowing them to obtain residence and work permits and enjoy social benefits. Austrians.
The police filed a total of 59 complaints against the suspects, which refer to organized assistance in violating the law on the stay of foreigners, mediation to contract false marriages and falsification of documents. The investigation questioned 48 people and the search for nine more people was announced, the Austrian APA reported.

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