ARRESTED FOR ATTEMPTING TO KILL A man (55) injured his partner because he thought she had transferred the crown to him


The Požarevac High Prosecutor’s Office ordered the arrest of suspect Dejan M. (55) from the town of Orljevo near Petrovac na Mlavi, for the crime of attempted aggravated murder.

That is, after learning that he was infected with the corona virus, Dejan took a gun for which he only had permission to hold and arrived at the home of Svetlana B. (55), who lives in Žabari, with whom he had a relationship emotional, accusing her. that she had transmitted the virus to him.

When she fled to the house of her son-in-law Bogoljub Z., otherwise the subcommander of PS Žabari, followed her and when he reached her he pointed a gun in her direction, but at that moment the subcommander tried to snatch the gun from her hand During the kidnapping, a gun was fired and the bullet hit first Svetlana in the area of ​​her fist, and then her daughter Ana (35), who was also in the same house.

Zoran M., the head of PS Žabari, was also at the deputy commander’s house.
