ARRESTED BY GATE Mural in Australia explains it all, mass demonstrations supported by President Kennedy’s nephew VIDEO


ARRESTED BY GATE Mural in Australia explains it all, mass demonstrations supported by President Kennedy's nephew VIDEO

Photo: AP / Markus Schreiber, Profimedia

The gigantic street art piece shows Microsoft founder Gates smiling and holding a syringe, saying, “It’s time to install the update.”

“The mural was created as Australia continues to rebel against ‘harsh censorship, wall-to-wall surveillance, digitization of currency and rigid social controls, including repressive blockades. “The mural was signed by @Lushsuk, an anonymous resistance artist known for trolling powerful figures.

Meanwhile, protests are growing in cities across Australia. Australians continue to demand that Bill Gates face charges of “crimes against humanity”.

In May, large groups gathered outside Parliament in Melbourne and shouted “arrest Bill Gates.”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., thanked the street artist for “hitting” for freedom. “Thanks to Lushsuk who scored a point for freedom.”

Rupert Murdoch’s Vaccine and News Empire Has Aligned itself with Bill Gates International Health Agency’s Cartel to Make Australia a Testing Ground for Its “Big Reboot”; a global return of democracy to medical fascism, ”Kennedy, Jr. continued.

Invoking biosecurity, Australian technocrats have introduced harsh censorship, wall-to-wall surveillance, currency digitization and rigid social controls, including repressive lockdowns and mandatory disguise, all without notice and without comment, rulemaking, public debate, debate or any of the traditional measures to protect participatory democracy. “To maintain control and obedience, dictatorial regimes use fear to justify the abolition of culture, self-expression and personal freedoms,” continued JFK’s nephew.

“Authoritarian theocracies, for example, often force women to wear veils, masks or burqas to trample on self-expression and signify submission and obedience.” New states in the field of biosecurity are forcing the burqa on the entire population. “The mask is a lasting reminder of the fear of infection and a sign of obedience and compliance.” Because the biosecurity oppression begins with this eradication of facial expressions, artistic music and humor are now critical revolutionary acts. ” .

As Neon Nettle previously reported, similar scenes took place in Germany last month, when citizens flooded the streets of Berlin with tens of thousands of people in protest against Gates and the major pharmaceutical companies. Bill Gates and his wife Melinda have come under increasing scrutiny in recent months. due to his growing involvement in global health issues, especially his interest in the COVID-19 pandemic and the vaccine race. In late August, a massive demonstration in Germany saw large crowds of people demanding that humanity wake up and reject Bill Gates, whom the protesters were attacking the self-proclaimed “dictator of world health.”

The protesters also criticized the pharmaceutical industry, accusing pharmaceutical companies of leading the world towards “global totalitarianism” and “slavery.” “Governments love a pandemic,” said Kennedy, Jr. German Gathering. “It is a mystery to me that all these great important people like Bill Gates and Tony Fauci have been planning and thinking about this pandemic for decades,” continues Kennedy Jr.

“And yet now that he’s here, they don’t seem to know what they’re talking about.” They make it up as they go. “They make up numbers,” he said.

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