Arrested ambulance driver who killed a woman, driving at an unadjusted speed


The police arrested K. M from Dimitrovgrad, the driver of a van for the transport of dialysis patients at the Dimitrovgrad Health Center, on suspicion that yesterday, around 8.25 am on the Pirot-Dimitrovgrad highway near Beli Polje, driving at an unadjusted speed, caused a traffic accident in which JG (42) from the town of Dragovita, “Blic” finds out.

As confirmed to “Blic” in the Basic Public Ministry of Pirot, he was charged with criminal charges on suspicion of committing a serious act against public road safety, and after a hearing at the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Basic Court of Pirot proposed to order his arrest .

– The Pirot Police Administration filed a criminal complaint against KM of Dimitrovgrad, for the crime of a serious act against public road safety for causing a traffic accident that day, while driving on the second row A 259 state road, near Belo Polje special ambulance brand “Citroen Jumper” registration number PI 007 IR, owned by DZ Dimitrovgrad, moving from the direction of Pirot to Dimitrovgrad and near Beli Polje, on the part of the road, due to the unadjusted speed of the vehicle characteristics and road condition (junction with a minor road), weather conditions (wet road), as well as other traffic conditions (bus stop), on the right front of the vehicle, in the right lane, seen in the direction of the driver, ran over a pedestrian, now deceased JG from Dimitrovgrad, who crossed the road from left to right side and who died on the spot from injuries sustained – the prosecutor of Acting base in Pirot M states for “Blic” iljana Randjelovic.

He claims that the KM driver conducted an alcohol test at the scene with a breathalyzer and that it was determined that there is no alcohol in the body, after which the prosecutor ordered the KM driver to take blood for analysis twice at intervals thirty minutes. determine the presence of alcohol in the blood.

– The speed of movement at which the KM driver was moving has not been determined, and the driver’s omissions, the speed of movement and the basic cause that led to the occurrence of this traffic accident will be determined by traffic experts . An arrest was ordered against the KM driver, so after the KM hearing, a proposal for arrest was presented to the same First Instance Court in Pirot – adds Randjelovic.
