Arrested aides heard the news in Novi Sad



15.09.2020. 19:22

The High Court of Novi Sad today ordered, at the suggestion of the prosecution, the detention of up to 30 days against OL and LV, suspected of participating in the case of brutal beating of MM (28) on Jevrejska street in Novi Sad on 24 August.

Ivan Kontić

Ivan Kontić, Photo: MUP

They were previously questioned at the Novi Sad Superior Prosecutor’s Office, after which the prosecution proposed that they remain in preventive detention so as not to influence the witnesses and not to repeat the crime in a short time.

OL is charged with participating in a fight and VL with helping a criminal after the crime was committed. As 021 learns, both defended themselves before the judge in silence.

Both are previously known to the police for their crimes.

beating in Novi Sad

beating in Novi Sad, Photo: Printscreen

The main suspect, Ivan Kontić (30), who is currently at large, is charged with the attempted murder of MM

Kontic is under investigation for the crime of attempted murder.

Since he is a fugitive, an international arrest warrant has been issued against him, MUP officials announced today.

Novi Sad police announced on Saturday that Kontić is suspected of hitting the 28-year-old man several times in the head and body area, as a result of which he lost consciousness, and then broke both forearms.
