The photo of the patient changing in the Kovid Arena temporary hospital is not from security cameras, but was taken by phone, says Arena director Goran Grbović, adding that the Army and MUP have launched an investigation into who photographed the the woman and how the photo got to social networks.

He told Tanjug that the Arena has been a military health facility since March, by decision of the Serbian government, and that it is run by the Serbian army.
“We have security cameras both outside and inside the building, but it is practically impossible to take a photo with security cameras. This was done over the phone, that’s all I know at the moment,” he said.

He is sure that none of the health workers and people in the army did that, because, as he says, it is difficult to breathe in a spacesuit and no one would think of dealing with such things.
“These people are overwhelmed with their work, giving therapy, there are more than 400 patients in the Arena. No one from the health and military will surely do that. Everything possible will be done to find out who took the photo of the woman and how the photo to social networks “. , he stated.
He notes that it is known from which Instagram profile the photo was released, and that those responsible for high-tech crimes in the Interior Ministry, as well as the Serbian Army, will do everything possible to find the culprits.
“The army should have carried out an investigation immediately, so that the names of the patients have been recorded, the footage of the security cameras of the corridor through which they could pass is returned and the culprits will surely be found,” he said.
He says he regrets that this has happened, that a stain is being put on the impeccable work of the Arena, through which more than a million people have passed so far without a single incident.
“All this is hard for me. That woman is a mother, someone’s sister. Everything will be revealed very quickly through the investigation. Investigative actions have been initiated and we will surely reach the culprit,” he concluded.

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