ARKANA CLEARED IN 10 SECONDS! Ceca hugged him, Zvonko Mateović appeared, shouted: DOWN WITH THE GUN!


Zeljko Raznatovic Arkan, 48, and his friends Milenko Mandic, 44, and Dragan Garic Gara, 47, were killed on January 15, 2000 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Belgrade in just ten seconds, and possibly at short intervals.

This was determined by the forensic ballistics expert, who stated that nine projectiles were fired during that period, with which Arkan and his friends were hit.

Ballistics expert Milan Kunjadic said at the trial that a shot was fired behind the stairs and that the shell casings fell into the flowerpot. The court found that the defense claim of the convicted Dobrosav Gavrić (43) that traces of nitrate were found on his coat was unfounded because he “threw firecrackers” while waiting for the New Year in Palić.

– Such a defense is unacceptable, because witness testimonies and evidence indicated that there were traces of nitrate on the lower edges of Gavrić’s coat, as well as on the gloves found in the coat that he was undoubtedly wearing – the court concluded.

Dobrosav Gavrić
photo: print screen

The court rejected objections by the defendants and their defense attorneys that someone placed bushings in the planters during the investigation.

– No other trace of material was found at the site, indicating that someone else fired with the weapon because there was no damage or casings. It was unequivocally established that only two pistols were fired and that the number of shells fired and the damage coincided in everything, as confirmed by the verdict of Judge Milenko Cvijović, which was delivered in October 2006.

Although Dragan Nikolić’s accomplice, Gagi (49), claimed at trial that he was not at the hotel but at his home, Arkan’s bodyguard, Zvonko Mateović, testified that Gagi shot him in the hotel lobby.

Zvonko Mateović
photo: Marina Lopicic

In a statement dated April 20, 2004, Nikolic said that he had learned of Arkan’s murder on television, with his brother in Loznica. He claimed that Zoran Uskoković Skole, when speculated that he was involved in organizing the murder, called him from Germany.

– He was sorry, he cried a lot! He adored Arkan. Arkan was her idol, Gagi told the court.

Dragan Nikolic Gagi
photo: Dragana Udovicic

Arkan’s wife, Svetlana Ceca Raznatovic, also testified in court.

– I ran to the cabin and saw the blood clotted in Željko’s left eye, which was closed. His teeth were pulled out and when I shook him he started coughing and bleeding out of his mouth. Manda was sitting hunched over and bleeding from his eyes and mouth, and Garić was lying next to the booth and holding his stomach, sobbing: “Oh, oh.” At one point, I heard Zvonko Mateovic yell, “Put the gun down!” I turned and saw a young man in a yellow-navy jacket lifting a gun from the ground. I never saw him again – Svetlana Ceca Raznatovic testified.

Arkan was wounded with three shots to the head and the projectiles destroyed his brain. He was seriously injured at 5:10 pm, and 15 minutes later he entered the Emergency Center, but despite the efforts of doctors to save him, he died at 6:45 pm on the operating table.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
