Are we threatened with the HIGHEST CROWN STRIKE today? With 400 infected until last night at 8 p.m., Serbia clings to the BLACK RECORD


Prime Minister Ana Brnabić announced, based on data from last night at 8 pm, that today we will have more than 400 infected people. Is Serbia approaching a new black record since the start of the epidemic and the peak of the third wave, considering that we had so many infected people at the peak of the second wave?

Last night, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić gave worrying data as a guest on RTS.

“Today 400 infected”

Commenting on yesterday’s highs for Serbia, he noted that we have a worsening situation, with more than 300 new people infected.

– We monitor the situation for two hours. At 8pm tonight we had more than 400 new infected. We have an increasingly complex situation. I spoke to the president to comment on that. I also spoke with the director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Dr. Goran Stevanović, to ask if there were more people there. They don’t have a bigger crowd there, but you notice that people come in with more severe symptoms. What I told more than 400 people is the number that we will announce tomorrow at 3 pm – Brnabić emphasized last night as a guest on RTS.


Ana Brnabić

That, he says, shows how challenging the times are ahead.

We are already reaching the peak of July

If we compare these figures declared by the Prime Minister with the figures from the previous wave of the corona virus in July, the conclusion is clear. Then at any given time, we got up to 467 infected in one day!

We believe that none of us want this to happen again, but it is impossible to ignore the coincidences of the situation we are in now.

Namely then, after the state of emergency and curfew, we could hardly wait to relax and start a normal life. Everything indicated that the situation was calming down, rigorous measures were abolished, it was summer, it was thought that the heat was bothering the virus … and then BOOM!

Before that boom, the situation looked like this …

In mid-June, the number of newly discovered cases was around 100 for days. Then, on June 23, we registered 102, just two days later, so on June 24, 143 (a little less than yesterday, when we counted 151), again in two days the “curve” rises to 193, 28 from June to 254, July 3 jumps to 359 … And all that with lightning speed to 467 newborns on July 26.

Now these figures have come in much earlier than expected. That is, based on previous announcements, we should now expect the emergence of the third wave, but it is obvious that we are largely in it and that we are approaching the peak at full speed.

The third wave was about to start and we are already reaching the top.

The epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff for the fight against kovid-19, Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, first announced the third wave for the end of October and the beginning of November, and now says that he expects the peak of that wave in November and December.

Branislav TiodorovićPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Branislav Tiodorović

– In Europe, the epidemic is increasing, it is in waves again. It doesn’t matter if it’s the third wave or the second wave. This is still far from the peak, the peak will probably be in November or December, Tiodorović told the morning TV Montenegro show.

What kind of numbers will we have at the top, if so now?

We also remind you that national experts announce that this, the third wave, will be the longest, in relation to the two previous ones, and that it will last as long as possible from April next year.

In addition, it is also worrying what is happening in and around Europe, where the records of the black crown fall every day, and it must be stressed that we are not a deserted and isolated island.

The latest shocking data comes this morning from Croatia and Slovenia, where both countries registered almost 1,500 new infections in 24 hours, an incredibly large figure when you consider that Croatia has about 4 million inhabitants and Slovenia 2.
