Are we threatened by a virus explosion? 25,000 enter Serbia


Belgrade – Epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorovi says that the return to Serbia of 25,000 tourists from summer holidays abroad may affect the increase in the number of infected in September.

Source: Beta, Blic

EPA-EFE Christian Bruna

EPA-EFE Christian Bruna

According to him, the start of the school year can bring with it certain risks when it comes to earning money, but he adds that the number of people suffering from crown disease is directly related to non-compliance with the measures.

“Everyone who comes to Serbia should be aware that they are at risk, so it would be nice to find oneself in some kind of Kuna isolation. Whether it is when returning from vacation or coming from one place to another, we should all have that habit. to take care of ourselves and others, ”he told Blic Tiodorovi today, who is a member of Crisis Tab for the fight against the crown.

He affirmed that it is important that the students, who come from those territories where the epidemiological situation is worse in relation to Serbia, respect the measures and be vigilant.

“This certainly does not apply only to those who come, but to the entire population, because the application and the journey of measures is of the utmost importance for the suppression of the virus,” Tiodorovi said.
