ARE WE DELAYED WITH THE MEASURES AGAINST THE CROWN? This is what doctors Janković and Mioljević say about it and what measurement should be valid from 00 to 24 hours


The coronavirus does not budge. Epidemiologist Vesna Mioljevic and immunologist Srdja Jankovic told RTS that the epidemiological situation is complex and that the figures speak for themselves. Dr Mioljević believes that we are not late with the new measures, because the virus shows that it is not seasonal. Dr. Janković points out that the growth of those infected can be mitigated if we implement the measures consistently.

The fight against the coronavirus continues. It started in March. There was no halftime. The little break we had was more like a break. More and more people in the game are suffering from kovid 19. In the day left behind, nearly 5,000 infected.

It’s extraordinary in Vojvodina, a new approach in Raska. It is more difficult in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Valjevo and Nis.

The guests of the “Oko” program on RTS, Dr. Vesna Mioljević and Dr. Srđa Janković, warn that the epidemiological situation in Serbia is complex and serious.

What can only save us

Immunologist Srdja Jankovic said that the deterioration is evident and that the growth of those infected can be mitigated only if we implement the measures consistently.

An epidemiologist at the Serbian Clinical Center, Vesna Mioljević, also said the figures speak for themselves.

“Our duty as a doctor is to present them every day and remind the public how serious the situation is. Figures from 15 days ago show that there were 1,300 infected and now there are 5,000, the number of deaths has multiplied by two or three ”, he said. she.

Speaking of the age structure of the patients, he says that there are younger, working-active people who are mostly positive, older people are more disciplined, this also applies to schoolchildren where all prevention measures are in a high level.

This measurement must be valid from 00 to 24 hours.

Dr. Srđa Janković believes that it is important to implement all the other measures from 00 to 24 hours, not just the new ones such as wearing masks, distance, limiting meetings that are not necessary, especially those that are for fun.

Before those nine hours, you have to take care of the distance of 1.5 to two meters between people in each building, especially in cafes and restaurants, because otherwise closing at 9 o’clock will not help us. At night, the atmosphere is a bit more relaxed and the risk is higher. “That this reduction reminds us that even before the end of working hours, although we can use these facilities, we must do everything possible to protect ourselves and others, the idea is to work and minimize the risk”, explains Jankovic .

The profession appeals every day to respect the measures. Dr. Mioljević believes that we are not late with the new measures because the virus shows that it is not seasonal in nature.

“Now in cold weather, when we are locked indoors, it is something that affects the spread of the virus, and if someone spends a couple of hours in the cafe after work, that is fine, but in this situation, which is worrying. Except that we have to be responsible, we must be reasonable ”, says the epidemiologist.

Those two weeks …

According to her, if we respect these measures for two weeks, the curve will flatten, it would be good to increase the number of positives, that would mean that we are moving towards something better, and December and January celebrations await us, so we should be reasonable.

Speaking of the measures before this aggravation, Dr. Janković says that the measures had the potential to help us more, that they were implemented without reservation and that a part of the population did not understand the severity.

The fact is that the assembled minority could have been implemented more rigorously, this does not serve to criticize, but to improve the situation before it becomes even more difficult, says the immunologist.

Dr. Srdja Jankovic

Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Dr. Srdja Jankovic

The measures help, both old and new, to the extent that they are translated into action, Janković stresses, adding that we all must work together to suppress the epidemic because there is no other way.

Immunologist Janković points out that the degree of protection is not absolute for everyone who has gained kovid-19, because it is not known how long the antibodies last.

That is why he says that those who have already had a coronavirus should also be protected.

Dr. Vesna Mioljević points out that reinfection occurs in sporadic cases.

Jankovic reiterates that the measures only work if they are implemented without reservation and points out two problems: the face and the reverse of “all this”.

The first is a rational response to a pandemic: approach it in the most rational way possible. The irrational response is seen in two ways: panic, fear that leads to paralysis, and the flip side of the response to panic is dismissive indifference, because we do not believe that the virus is dangerous.

“We must be rational if we want to achieve real results in the real world,” concluded Dr. Janković.
