Are new measures being introduced for Belgrade? It is about the work of restaurants and cafes.



06.11.2020. 19:04

He announced that the next crisis staff meeting will be early next week.


Coffee, Photo: Hello

The Mayor of Belgrade, Dr. Zoran Radojicic, was a guest on RTS, where he spoke about possible new measures for the city of Belgrade.

When asked by the host if Belgrade plans to introduce new measures, he replied:

One of the suggestions was to insist on less loud music in clubs and restaurants. Dr. Conn has already talked about this. This would make it possible to speak less loudly, which would reduce the spread of the virus. That is one of the things that I insisted on before, but it is only one in the spectrum of suggestions and measures, “said Radojicic and evaluated that the epidemiological situation can improve significantly with new regulations according to which the communal militia can charge a mandatory fine. in the place, those who do not respect the measures and close the shops that violate the regulations for 72 hours.

He announced that the next crisis staff meeting will be early next week.

When asked if the crisis staff unanimously adopt the recommendations, the mayor of Belgrade said he did not know that any of the members had been “exempted” from any decision made so far. He indicated that various arguments were presented in the sessions of that body in order to protect people’s health and preserve the health system.

Today, Crisis staff proposed that the number of people who can gather in open and closed spaces be reduced from 30 to five people in the future, as well as that the upcoming “mini vacations” on the occasion of the national holiday also apply to the high school students, not just elementary schools.
