AQUARIUM, RARE BREADS, UNUSUAL DETAILS! This is what Miki Djuricic’s property looks like, and only the house where he has invested THOUSANDS of euros


AQUARIUM, RARE BREADS, UNUSUAL DETAILS! This is what Miki Djuricic's property looks like, and only the house where he has invested THOUSANDS of euros

Photo: Printscreen Youtube / AgroTV Serbia, Stefan Jokic

Miki Djuricic, a Kupinov beekeeper who will become a father in August, spent time at home serving his sentence because he physically attacked a rialista in Nadezda Biljic and Suzana Perovic, decided to use it to renovate the property.

Photo: Print Screen / Ami G

While under house arrest, he renovated the house, but nothing is too luxurious and, in all likelihood, music is a very important part of his life, which is why he paid the most attention to the records.

Photo: Print Screen / Ami G

Otherwise, as they wrote, he spent a lot of money to build a bathroom, a large living room, dining room, and bedroom, and he is said to have given a lot of money for furniture.

Meanwhile, Mickey began to pursue aquaristics, showing Ognen his fish, as well as a collection of records and everything in his home.

He also showed his father’s Mirko tractor, which has a trailer at the front instead of the rear, as is the case. Mirko spoke of her son in front of the cameras.

Photo: Print Screen / Ami G

Although they have a new dog, Khan, Yellow continues to occupy a special place, which is well-known and adored by Co-op viewers, though he dodges them.

Mickey is also a pig breeder, and the variety he chose is mangulice.

Photo: Print Screen / Ami G

Delivery courier

Author: Delivery courier
