APPOINTMENT OF THE GUARD OF THE THRONE! The Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church has just decided who will replace the patriarch


At the recently concluded session of the Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Chrysostom of Dabro-Bosnia was elected guardian of the patriarchal throne, until the election of a new head of the Church.

Metropolitan Chrysostom arrived in Belgrade last night.

According to the rules of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the role of guardian of the throne is assumed by the oldest metropolitan, who is Metropolitan Chrysostom of Dabro-Bosnia.

According to the SOC Constitution, the Serbian Patriarch must be elected no later than three months after vacating the throne. Until then, the guardian of the throne was, as a rule, the oldest metropolitan, today Dabrobosanski Hrizostom.

The new patriarch will be chosen from among the three candidates elected in Parliament by secret ballot and an absolute majority. The future patriarch can be chosen from among the active bishops who have led the diocese for at least five years. Read more about the way the new patriarch is chosen in a special news story.

Bishop Chrysostom, Metropolitan of Dabro-Bosnia, was born on March 4, 1952 in Vođenica near Bosanski Petrovac. He was elected Metropolitan of Dabro-Bosnia in May 2017 by decision of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Patriarch Irinej passed away today at the age of 90. The news of Patriarch Irinej’s death came after 15 days of a difficult fight with the corona virus, which the patriarch lost because his health suddenly deteriorated overnight between Wednesday and Thursday.
