Apple postpones production of iPhone 12 | Technology


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April 30, 2020 11:59 PM |

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The global pandemic of the Korona virus is said to have affected supply chains and the production process.

The fact that the Korona virus has also affected the largest giant in terms of IT and the production of mobile phones and computers, shows that the launch of a new model of its iPhone 12 smartphone will be delayed in about a month. So far, this is not an official announcement, just a rumor, but the fact is that not everything will go as planned.

Everything moves in a month

According to rumors, Apple is reportedly moving production of its new iPhone 12 smartphone for a month. The global Korona virus pandemic is said to have affected supply chains and the manufacturing process, disrupting Apple’s plans to mass produce this phone.

Apple will launch four new iPhone models later this year, all with 5.4, 6.1, and 6.7-inch OLED displays. It usually occurs in September, but the epidemic will shift production to the end of the year. The Corona virus epidemic so far has claimed more than 200,000 lives worldwide, affecting more than 3 million people. The entire world economy is in decline and a recovery is expected later in the year. As for the iPhone 12, it is expected to make up for the losses Apple suffered during the outbreak.

(PC pres)
