Appeal to the belgraders “not to ruin what has been done so far”


Belgrade – Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesi declared today that Belgrade is once again the biggest coronavirus scene in Serbia.

Source: Tanjug



He appealed to citizens to adhere to epidemiological measures.

Vesi told TV Pink that of 111 newcomers to Serbia, 40 percent are in Belgrade.

He added that today the Crisis Tab would meet and appealed to the public to adhere to all epidemiological measures so that “we do not ruin what we did in previous months, when Serbia was one of the countries with the fewest newcomers.”

Vesi emphasized that the masks should be worn in public transportation, prickly centers, and all other enclosed spaces.

“It was colder for a few days, the boys did not work and this is happening as a result of the masks not being worn indoors. I ask and appeal to all Belgraders, the store clerks, to wear masks in the That is the only way to protect ourselves from the epidemic, not to get into the situation we were in in June or March, and again so that everyone knows someone who is positive for Kovid-19, “Vesi said.

He added that if the measures are followed, the people of Belgrade will be able to get out of this situation in the best possible way and receive a vaccine that will allow us to permanently protect ourselves from the virus.

Vesi stressed that yesterday the vaccination against seasonal flu began, which can be received in all health centers.

“All those who wanted to be vaccinated in the City Assembly yesterday,” Vesi said and asked citizens to receive the vaccine.

He emphasized that the flu vaccine is sufficient.

“We have tried for all these months that the catering services work, that the economy works, that people earn money, that life works normally and, at the same time, protect the health of the population,” said Vesi.

He noted that the weekend is approaching, when people are behaving more relaxed, and called on citizens to discipline.

“We checked about 80 facilities last night, fewer measures were applied, but there are certain restaurants and guests who do not want to apply the measures. Please act responsibly this weekend because as we behave this weekend, such an epidemiological situation will be on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, “Vesi emphasized.

He added that if citizens are responsible, people’s lives and health will be saved and life will continue to flow normally.

When asked if, if there is an increase in the number of victims, the reintroduction of a state of emergency or the situation in Belgrade can be expected, Vesi said that this is not an issue on the agenda.

“At this time, it is enough that we all adhere to the epidemiological measures,” Vesi said, citing schools in which only one case of transfer from one student to another was recorded as an example of compliance with the measures.
