Apology from lucas H1 Serbia


Folk singer Aleksandar Vuksanović – Aca Lukas organized a press conference after publicly commenting on N1 journalist Zaklina Tatalović on Hit vit on TV Pink. In his speech to the public, Lucas first announced his new album, and only then did he apologize to the journalist, writes Nova.rs.

“I publicly apologize to journalist Zaklina Tatalović. It was an inappropriate reaction, but it was not caused by anything,” said Vuksanović, who claims that he reacted that way because he received a message that, as he himself claims, Tatalović wrote a “mocking tweet “to his comments on the elections. in the U.S. He added that he exaggerated, reports Nova.rs.

Let us remind you, Aca Lukas, that journalist Zaklina Tatalović shamefully insulted at the expense of her physical appearance. The other guests in the studio, Aleksandar Šapić and Zoran Ćirjaković, fell silent. H1 strongly condemned hate speech and insults taken out on sunday night, they joined numerous media associations, protector of citizens, individual matches and two ministers, from all members of the Government.
