AP: Thousands at the funeral of Patriarch Irinej, many ignored the measures against the coronavirus – Society


The US agency Associated Press reported that thousands of people attended the funeral of the patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC), Irinej, and that many ignored preventive measures against the coronary virus pandemic.

AP: Thousands at the funeral of Patriarch Irinej, many ignored the measures against coronavirus 1Photo: Beta / AP Photo / Darko Vojinovic)

“At the funeral in the Temple of Saint Sava in Belgrade, most of the priests and many believers did not wear masks or respect the rule of keeping their distance inside the church, they kissed the glass on the body of Patriarch Irinej and even used the same spoon during communion, “writes AP.

The agency claims that Irinej died this Friday as a result of corona infection with the virus, three weeks after she led the funeral and liturgy at the funeral of Metropolitan Amfilohije in Montenegro, whose body was loved by believers in an open casket. , although he also died from complications caused by corona infection. virus.

The Serbian Orthodox Church asked believers to keep their distance and wear a mask, but even the priests at the Saint Sava Temple were today without masks, according to the AP, adding that Serbian epidemiologists said they could not prohibit the gathering of people in the funeral of the patriarch.

The AP recalls that Serbian authorities warn that the health system is overloaded and that the number of free beds in hospitals is running low, after record numbers of new infected people were registered in the previous days.

For the AP, Patriarch Irinej claims that he had significant political influence in Serbia and was known for criticizing Western policies in the Balkans and close ties with the Russian Orthodox Church.

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