Anything beyond this reference value means you HAVE PROTECTION


Many people are interested in IGG antibodies, both those who have had a covid-19 infection and those who have been vaccinated, as well as those who plan to do so, Novosti reports.

How many of them are enough to protect us from the virus, Dr. Marija Gnjatović clears up all the doubts that many throw at the puzzle when they get the results from the laboratory.

– Each laboratory has its own reference value depending on the type of tests it uses, mostly ELISA tests but with different reference values. In our units, the cutoff value is 15, anything above that number is considered a positive value, which means that if the analysis shows that your value is above 15, it means that you have simply developed some kind of answer, that is, immunity – said Dr. Gnjatović.

Photo: EPA / Martin Divisek, AP / Muhammad Sajjad, EPA / NIAID / RAS Srbija

Many patients responded with numbers that were not significantly higher than the number 15, which Dr. Gnjatović cited as a border reference. She says that if that happens in some way, the body begins to develop antibodies.

– If you have a response of 16, it means that the response has started, that the antibodies have started to form, they will probably start to develop in greater numbers over time, depending on when you did the test. But any number above 15 means that you have created protection or that creation has begun. This means that it has somehow created a response from the reinfection – concludes Dr. Gnjatović.

In addition, the doctor says that most people who have had the corona virus and had a more serious clinical picture tend to develop a greater amount of antibodies that last for months after the disease.

– With regard to natural infection, it is known that the highest amount of antibodies is found in those who have developed a more serious clinical picture. They develop a large number of antibodies that last for months after the disease. These values ​​range from about 70 units onwards, within our test. The moderate clinical picture develops from 40-70 units in which it was observed that it also gives very good protection where reinfection was not observed. In people who had a clearer image, their number ranged from 15 to 40 units. These are people who had a small amount of virus that was not large enough to cause a strong immune response, the doctor told Novosti.

– However, our research on the natural infectious response showed that all people who had antibodies were not susceptible to re-infection even when those values ​​were at the cut-off value, even those who were 15-20 were not re-infected and we have seen that in our doctors who worked with the virus, “he said.
