ANTIKOVIDAŠ AND ANTIMASKER AT THE HOSPITAL BY THE CROWN From a hospital bed in Switzerland, he is calling on people in Serbia to take to the streets against the measures. (VIDEO)


The character and work of Goran Pantelić (42), one of the most famous conspiracy theorists on kovid 19 and opponent of epidemiological measures, shows how crazy the fight is between anti-maskers and anti-vaxers. Unfortunately, the Valjevo guest worker donned the mask only when he ended up in a hospital bed in Switzerland after becoming infected with the crown. Regardless of that, Pantelić continues to call on “supporters” to take to the streets against epidemiological measures through tears over hospital beds

The video he posted is as strange as the opinions he’s been spreading for months.

In it is Pantelić, who is lying in a Swiss hospital and talking incoherently, at times and through tears, about how he “never betrayed” and how he “fought for everything” and alluded to being the victim of a conspiracy. At the same time, he invites people in Serbia from their Swiss hospital bed, to go out into the streets and fight for “their goal” in the days when we recorded the blackest crowns of records and diseases, and more than 7,500 people to day?!

To add to the irony, he lifts the mask from his nose all the time during the speech and calls through tears, as he puts it, for the brothers to come out and “break free.”

– Do not give up. What I started to do – said, among other things, Pantelić in the video because he pointed out that some had already defamed him and probably buried him.

And what did Pantelić start and who is he?

The story begins a few months ago, at the dawn of the pandemic. That is, he drew attention to himself already in the first weeks of the kovid 19 pandemic, since, first, as a carrier of medicines for a Swiss distributor, he visited the kovid hospital and offered “prayers for the sick.”

In addition, their acquaintances assured that Pantelić called them and warned them through tears to take care of the crown and not go anywhere.

However, a change of course followed. A few weeks later, he became one of the most concerned conspiracy theorists regarding kovid 19, which is why he saw behind all the attempts to create migrants in Serbia, establish a 5G network, but also chip and remote control. people through vaccination.

Until he was hospitalized, a guest worker from Valjevo ran his campaign on social media, propagating not wearing a mask, a conspiracy theory about the kovid 19 vaccine, which he sarcastically called ninja virus ?!

At the same time, he was involved in political life in Serbia, which is why he drew public attention to threats to President Aleksandar Vučić, which he posted on social media and on “YouTube”, for which he was soon arrested, but in Germany.

After he called Instagram on April 12 of this year. Serbian heroes, mothers, sons and daughters “in the” uprising against the dictator “on April 24 in Belgrade in front of the government building, Pantelić ended up a thousand and a half kilometers away in Germany’s largest prison,” Stadelheim “, where he was detained on a Serbian warrant for threatening Vučić.

As announced by Deutsche Welle in May this year, the Munich Public Prosecutor’s Office confirmed for that portal that it is carrying out a procedure for the extradition of Pantelić. The Serbian Special Prosecutor’s Office for High-Tech Crimes responded that it was conducting a preliminary investigation procedure against Pantelić on suspicion of two criminal acts: endangering the safety of officials and calling for a violent change in the constitutional order.

Goran Pantelić twice called for an uprising in front of the Serbian government building

Photo: YouTube / RAS Serbia

Goran Pantelić twice called for an uprising in front of the Serbian government building

Both acts are punishable by up to five years in prison. The arrest warrant was confirmed by the Belgrade High Court on April 18 and approved a 30-day detention.

By the way, as Deutsche Welle writes, Pantelić once spoke of his closeness to individuals in the SNS structures, as well as that he “gathered secure votes in the diaspora” for the SNS, but was allegedly misled.

– It just hurts. Slowly I started shouting that Vučić – Pantelić said for “Slavija info TV” at the time, as reported by DW.

It is interesting that there has been nothing since the Pantelić “uprising”, despite the strong calls on social media. At the same time, it was not the only attempt of this anti-masking and anti-sniper to rally people in front of the Serbian Government.

As soon as he got out of jail in early September, the Valjevo guest worker continued the calls via Facebook, setting October 10 as the new date. Even then, however, the self-proclaimed leader of the uprising was not found on Nemanjina Street.

Then, the Blic journalists passed in front of the government entrance and found only five or six people who responded to their crazy and aggressive calls.

Pantelić has apparently been building his “internet personality” on unverified information for years.

According to the portal “Deutsche Welle”, Pantelić worked in the police until 2001, when he left this service under unclear circumstances. He claimed that when he was young he was sent to war in Kosovo “as punishment”, and as proof that he was on the battlefield, he posted a photo in which he was with his companions next to a painted Albanian flag, allegedly in a village “cleansed” by Serbian forces.

Furthermore, according to him, he was interrogated at the “war crimes court”, where he was accused of “massacring” and “transporting bodies to Petrovo Selo” near Kladovo, where the bodies of Albanians killed after the war were discovered, as Deutsche Welle writes. .

However, the War Crimes Prosecutor’s Office stated for that portal that Pantelić was never accused, suspected or heard as a witness.

What is also a fact is that Pantelić’s life on social media does not go unnoticed, just like this is his last address from his hospital bed so far.

– For days the anti-masker and anti-vaxer have been calling on people to protest against the “crown” from which they got infected. He hooks and whines in the Swiss hospital bed and still invites people to gather, protest and catch it. Incredible … – wrote a tweeter.

In a flood of reactions, a user of this social network asked: “I do not know why you do not reject medical help now, when the crown does not yet exist.”
