
Illustration, Photo: EPA / Andrej Cukić
Dejana Đurđević, a member of the Vojvodina League of Social Democrats in the Sid Municipal Assembly, said today that the anti-immigrant protests in that city are used by certain right-wing organizations and manipulate the fear of citizens.
Last night, the organization “Omladina Shida” organized an anti-immigrant protest from which requests were sent to the municipal and republican governments to reduce the number of migrants, return the Serbian Army and expel the organizations that serve migrants from the municipality.
Dejana Đurđević stated in a press release that it is clear that the citizens of Šid do not feel safe in their environment, due to sporadic incidents in the spring involving migrants as well, but said that stories about some “occupation” of the municipality by migrants they are not maintained.
“There were incidents with migrants and it is indisputable that the presence of the State and the forces of order is necessary. However, I see more cause for concern in the apparently civil protests than a sincere desire for a solution, “he said.
He added that the very name of the protest “Shid was a beautiful city until the appearance of the mujahideen”, as well as the use of national and religious symbols and the well-known “spinning” of information, are cause for doubt.
“In this case, the speakers linked the recent terrorist attacks in France to the migrants who are in the municipality and abused the population’s fear of the coronavirus as an argument to expel other people,” said Dejana Đurđević.

He added that the international organization “No Name Kitchen”, which helps migrants, has been attacked by right-wingers several times so far, for which its representatives were attacked by people with Chetnik symbols, and in one case a swastika was drawn on his truck.
The organization “Youth of Shida” today asked the authorities to urgently and as soon as possible “expel” from the territory of the municipality of Shida the organization “No Name Kitchen” and accused them that their objective is to bring unrest and chaos in all the world. it finances foreign lobbies ”, calling them“ losers and drug addicts ”.
Dejana Đurđević said that, when she was young, she fears that the young generations born after the wars of the 1990s are reverting to an ideology whose dire consequences we still feel.
“Due to the lack of left on the political scene in Serbia, today we have reached a situation where young people are more concerned about the presence of people of other skin colors than social protection, their education or a polluted environment. .
“Omladina Šida” warned that, if there is no reaction from the authorities, they will organize new and more massive anti-immigrant protests in that city, which is located near the border with Croatia.

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