Anti-Corruption Council on Andrej Vučić and Aseko company


The Anti-Corruption Council announced that it “has never stated or stated that it has any proof that Andrej Vučić is the owner of the land in Vojvodina.”

“Mrs. (Jelisaveta) Vasilic, a member of the Council, did not do the same. The Council is not responsible or obliged to verify the statements of citizens who address the Council, nor does it have the capacity to do so. The Council bases its reports exclusively in official documents and data “. stated on the Council website in, as written, in response to the request of the Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, to present evidence in that case.

It is added that in its reports, the Council did not deal with Andrej Vučić or collect data on him in its work so far. The Council published the “Report on the Privatization and Alienation of Agricultural Land in Public Property of the Republic of Serbia” on January 10, 2018, and the “Report on the Conversion and Alienation of Construction Land in the Republic of Serbia” on January 9, 2018.

“The Council has been alleging that there is a problem with obtaining official documents for the past 15 years, as evidenced by the Commissioner’s annual reports, as well as more than 100 Council speeches to the Commissioner. Despite the Commissioner’s intervention, the Council cannot obtain the required and necessary data “. no member of the Council has a security certificate from the Office of National Security and Protection of Classified Information, ”states the Council.

Furthermore, pRegarding Ana Brnabić’s statement delivered to Pink TV and broadcast on Dnevnik H1, where the Prime Minister states that she asked the Vice President of the Anti-Corruption Council to examine her relationship and her brother’s relationship in the company “Aseko”, the Vice President The Council replied that it was not necessary.

It is stated that the Council for the Determination of Conflicts of Interest is not competent.

This happened more than a year ago and then it was said that this relationship falls within the domain of conflict of interest, and that to determine conflicts of interest in accordance with the Law of the Anticorruption Agency (now Anticorruption Agency) only the Agency is competent to determine the conflict. It does not make sense for the Board to analyze the operations of the company because the conflict of interest is not determined on the basis of turnover, but on the basis of the relationship of persons suspected of being related parties. and characterized as a conflict of interest, it would have no significance or consequences if the relationship is not determined by the Agency ”, states the Anti-Corruption Council.
