Anthony Godfrey ordered kebabs in Prijepolje and sat in front of the bakery to eat (PHOTO)


The American Ambassador to Serbia, Anthony Godfrey, is definitely a fan of Serbian comfort food, and has proven it several times. Wherever you go in our country, do not miss the opportunity to try specific specialties from that area. This was also the case during a recent visit to Prijepolje, when he stopped by a local bakery and ordered kajmak kebabs.

“We saw jeeps with diplomatic plates parked, security came out, and then the ambassador with an interpreter. He said he had already heard about ‘Mah’s Bakery’ and so he decided to stop by to try our specialties. He took five kebabs to the” He insisted on paying and gave away to the workers with a badge with the symbols of our two countries, “Salko Bajramovic, owner of the bakery, told RINA.

photo: RINA

There is no doubt that Godfrey gets to know Serbia in the best possible way, and how different it is through the food that our country is recognizable for. Previously, he was delighted with a student from Vranje’s Leskovac barbecue, shaker and food. Pranks are often made on social media at the expense of your “joke”, but you obviously don’t give much thought to that.

“I have already read a lot of negative comments, after eating in our bakery. A man is extremely kind, generous and pleasant, and it really is not a sin if he is a fan of a good bite. That can only be an advantage for all of us, because it it will make our food heard outside the borders of Serbia ”, says Salko from Prijepolje.

Mahova pekara has existed for 100 years and is a place where many tourists come to Montenegro on their way. It has become a symbol of the city of Lim, and after Godfrey’s visit, the best sellers are definitely the kebabs in kajmak.


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Author: delivery courier
