Another Serbian municipality is powerless against the corona virus


Given the worsening of the epidemiological situation due to the spread of the coronavirus in the telephone session of the Municipal Headquarters for Emergency Situations, the president of the Municipality of Lucani made the decision to declare a state of emergency.

The public companies “Dragacevo putevi” Guca and “Komunalac” Lucani are obliged to take intensified epidemic measures and intensify the disinfection of public areas and institutions. At the same time, the Municipal Administration is obliged to guarantee the intensive work of the inspection services, which will intensify the control of the implementation of the adopted measures aimed at reducing the spread of the infectious disease kovid-19.

The Municipal Headquarters reminds citizens once again that the following measures, prohibitions and restrictions apply during an emergency situation:

– Prohibition of indoor and outdoor gathering of more than five people if it is not possible to provide a physical distance of two meters and the appropriate personal protection measures.

– in public parks and play areas and during outdoor exercise, it is allowed to gather up to five people with the appropriate personal protection measures

– In all enclosed spaces it is mandatory to wear protective masks and respect the physical distance of two meters

– Prohibition of organizing sports and entertainment ceremonies and events other than matches and training in accordance with the measures prescribed by sports federations during competitions.

– adjust the work of the catering facilities so that no more than two people can sit at a table, except in the case of parents and minor children or people who live in a common home with a mandatory distance of two meters between tables

– full implementation of all preventive measures in preschool educational institutions

– In public transport, with the mandatory use of protective masks, periodic ventilation and disinfection of vehicles is mandatory

– Taxi drivers are obliged to disinfect the vehicle and not to transport passengers in the front seat of the vehicle.

– mandatory implementation of protective measures in religious buildings and during the performance of religious rites

– mandatory implementation of protective measures in beauty salons, hairdressers, beauty salons, fitness centers and gyms (masks and gloves)

– frequent disinfection of all public buildings

– recommendation to residential building managers to disinfect common areas in residential buildings where the greatest contact is made at least once a day (building entrances, areas in front of elevators, elevators, stair handrails, door handles, entrance doors , etc.)

– wash streets and public areas as often as possible with the use of disinfectants suitable for low temperature conditions

– Limitation of the working hours of the facilities in accordance with the Regulation on measures for the prevention and suppression of infectious viruses

– The Municipal Headquarters for Emergency Situations will monitor daily the epidemiological situation and the effects of the measures of the competent authorities and, if necessary, will propose additional measures.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
