Another person died, 83 new cases of coronavirus infection




Kon: There is a risk of the virus entering, but there is no information about the quarantine.

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said that the epidemic situation is stable with a low level of coronavirus activity.

In response to the information that appeared in the media that everyone who enters the country from October 1 will have to be quarantined, Kon says nothing is known about it.

According to him, there is a risk that the virus will enter the country, but there is also surveillance that is done in such a way that nothing is known about quarantine.

He noted that we cannot rule out restrictive measures in the future if the situation were dramatic.

Statement by Predrag Kon



In Kosovo and Metohija 63 new cases

In the past 24 hours, 63 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Kosovo and Metohija, and no deaths were recorded.

592 people were tested, and most of those newly infected are from Pristina, Pristina media report.

Currently, 1,730 cases are active, 11 patients are hospitalized in critical condition, three of whom are on respirators and eight with oxygen masks.

Since the beginning of the pandemic in Kosovo, 15,333 people have contracted the virus and 616 have died.



Five covid patients were hospitalized in Kraljevo

At the General Hospital “Studenica” in Kraljevo, five patients are currently hospitalized in the ward, the health institution announced.

There have been no new receptions in the last 24 hours.

Since the last report in 24 hours, there has been no discharge from the hospital.



294 people were hospitalized

In the last 24 hours, 83 new cases of coronavirus were registered in Serbia, of the 6,663 analyzed.

One person died, and since the beginning of the pandemic in Serbia since the beginning of March, 745 people have died from kovid 19.

Currently, 294 people are hospitalized, of which 22 are on a respirator, while the mortality rate is 2.25 percent.

Certain categories of people can take the test upon arrival in Cyprus on their own, Cypriot authorities said.

The association’s Dr. Vuk Vučić said that the agreement was for the signatories of the appeal to come and talk to redefine the situation and see if someone was replaced and why.

Minister Lončar said it was agreed to try to do more cooperation.
