ANOTHER EASTER “KEY IN HAND”? Professor Tiodorović revealed what awaits us – Only then will we return to normality


With the exception that it is still difficult to answer precisely the question of whether and with what measures we are going to celebrate Easter, Professor Tidorović explains that the Orthodox, which is May 2, should not be a big problem, which You cannot tell by a Catholic that it is April 4, in less than two weeks.

– Orthodox Easter will not be a big problem. Catholic Easter will be a bigger problem. It’s closer. Many people will come to us, and especially many of our people, who work in Western Europe, will come to us because of the vaccination. They don’t have vaccines there. The measurements here, however, are much softer than in Western Europe. They all began to introduce stricter measures. If not in the whole country, yes in certain territories, such as France and Italy. Paris, for example, is blocked, almost half of Italy is completely closed. Austria also has very strict measures.

– For Catholic Easter, people will come here to relax, then we will have a higher risk of infection – says prof. Dr. Tiodorović, and adds that everyone who has our ID and passport, that is, dual citizenship, has the right to be vaccinated in our country.

Regarding our Easter, the teacher explains that until then, the measures could be reduced to the usual ones, but for that to happen, many conditions would have to be met.

– It is difficult to predict, but if we really adhere to these measures and the vaccination has the success that we hope, and with a much greater coverage, then the situation would be much calmer. The measures would be reduced to the usual ones: mask, distancing and disinfection. We would certainly release catering companies and shopping centers, but everything said in the condition, therefore, only on the condition that we continue with these measures, and comply with them in the most serious and disciplined way – notes prof. Tiodorović.

To get to that point, according to the professor, we should lower the numbers with respect to kovida 19. First, we should have less than 1,000 positives a day.

– We must reduce the number of positives below 1000, and have sporadic cases on the respirator. Individual cases on the ventilator cannot be avoided, even if everything is completely calm, given the difficult clinical picture, especially in the elderly, who also have pronounced comorbidities, and especially pulmonary patients, chronic cardiovascular patients, patients who have malignant diseases.

– Now we have a lot of people with respirators. And, you know, that’s the end when someone goes on a respirator. The Americans had a study that showed that 90 percent of them die on a respirator. The Italians and the French had a 70 to 80 percent chance, and we had a study that whoever wears a respirator has a 50 percent chance of survival, recalls prof. Dr. Tiodorović.

Since the Catholic Holy Week is more risky, it is most likely that the same measures will be applied when entering our country as for the New Year and Christmas holidays.

All foreigners had to have a negative PCR test, as well as our citizens, on the condition that ours could be tested when entering our country, and if they were negative, to leave isolation.

Last year, Serbia celebrated Easter “closed”, in a state of emergency. It was the longest curfew, from Friday at 5 p.m. to Tuesday at 5 p.m.


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