ANOTHER CITY OF SERBIA DECLARES AN EMERGENCY SITUATION: They asked that the celebrations not be held en masse


This decision was made after the proposal of the expert-operational team of hygienic-epidemiological measures.

A team composed of epidemiologists and directors of health institutions in Bor analyzed the current epidemiological situation in the session, which was evaluated as “uncertain”.

According to doctors, all infected patients have milder symptoms and are under treatment. The epidemiologist determined his isolation at home for the next 14 days, with constant consultations and medical supervision.

Dr Goran Joksimović, director of Bor General Hospital, previously said that there are currently 14 patients in the Chest Department of this health institution, of which seven are positive for the corona virus, while results are expected for five more. .

He appealed to Borane not to mark the next celebrations with massive gatherings “so as not to make the wave that awaits us bigger and heavier.”


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