Another brought the virus to school and infected a friend!


The first case of coronavirus transmission among students was confirmed yesterday at the “October 20” primary school in New Belgrade!

First, the second-grader had a fever, was tested and confirmed positive for kovid 19, and after five days, the presence of the virus was found in a student from the same class.

Parents were responsible

photo: Shutterstock

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon noted that the students wore masks in class, but were not in the courtyard, which is the most likely way to transmit the virus.

– No close contact was described, but it is clear that they did not wear masks in the yard, and that they were close – the epidemiologist told TV Pink, adding that the entire group in that department was isolated.

The principal of the primary school “October 20”, Branislav Nedeljković, stated that both students are in good condition and without symptoms, and that, thanks to the responsibility of their parents, they did not return to the team before the test.

– On September 7, after returning from school, a student developed a fever – 37.6, after which his parents took him for an exam the next day. The doctor’s recommendation was to monitor the condition of the students. The boy improved after two days, but before returning to the team, his parents took him to the test. The test on September 10 was positive – said the principal, noting that a detailed disinfection of school facilities was carried out immediately.

– All the parents of students in the same group have been informed so that they can check the health status of their children. Thus, on September 11, a student from the same group had a headache and a fever the next day (37.8). The parents took the boy to the test and on September 14 they received positive results, Nedeljković said.

Crown and in kindergartens

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar says there are elaborate scenarios of what to do if the coronavirus virus is transmitted between students, and that “it had to happen sooner or later.”

photo: Profimedia

– The Ministry of Education and our epidemiologists have done an extraordinary job. Only if you do not follow the measures, you can get into a situation where the virus is transmitted. Children cannot be blamed for not respecting the measures, those who were supposed to implement the measures are responsible – Lončar said, noting that school is important for the development and socialization of children and that it is not the same if it is done online or live.

According to Dr. Kona, six positive cases were confirmed in five kindergartens, four infected children, and two educators.

Daily Crown Balance

A jump in the number of new infected

In Serbia, according to the data announced by the crisis headquarters, 7,709 people were tested for the coronavirus in the last 24 hours, of which 74 tested positive, more than double the previous day. Two patients died, while 28 were on respirators.

Epidemiologists on the control of returnees

Arrive from the sea and register online

Crisis staff members said that in the next two days, precise instructions on how to report Serbian citizens to Kovid dispensaries in Montenegro, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and other at-risk countries will be announced from Friday. at 6pm, but most likely they can. electronically, through a self-assessment test on the website of the Ministry of Health or by phone if they do not present symptoms. Those with symptoms should report to the clinic.

– There are several ways to check it. One is when citizens show up at the Kovid clinic, where the doctor will follow them through records, check-ups, or telephone contact with them. Those who do not have to call the Kovid clinic, but report by phone or electronically, occasionally we will ask them what state they are in and if everything is fine and in those 10 days they will be under that type of supervision – said epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorovic and emphasized that children and young people who return from summer vacation for 10 days should not go to school or university.

Dr. Predrag Kon expects about 50,000 entries a week in the country, and all, as he said, will receive a warning and the obligation to inform the Kovid clinic:

– This does not mean that a person who comes home should immediately contact the ambulance or the Institute of Public Health. There is also an electronic possibility through the self-assessment test, which automatically sends the data to primary health care – Kon explained and underlined that it is a strict obligation if they have a fever or difficulties to come to the Kovid clinic for an examination.

The epidemiologist, Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević, stressed that there will be no sanctions for those who ignore the obligation to inform doctors when returning from abroad:

– The theme is to provide citizens with access to a doctor, advice and monitoring of the condition. The issue is not punishment or the list of people who have been somewhere, stressed Kisić Tepavčević.

Photo / Source: Profimedia / Kristina Vasković

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