Another 9,360 doses of Pfizer vaccine have arrived in Serbia


NEW QUANTITY: another 9,360 doses of Pfizer vaccine have arrived in Serbia

Photo: EPA / Lukasz Gagulski

A new contingent of 9,360 doses of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine has arrived in Serbia.

Vaccination against the coronavirus continued today in Serbia, after a day of rest during which all rooms where immunization takes place were disinfected.

At the Belgrade Fair, vaccination with the Chinese vaccine continued in Hall 3, while in Hall 11, citizens who opted for the Russian Sputnik V vaccine are being vaccinated, the coordinator of the point in Hall 3 told Tanjug , Dragana Milošević.

The interest of citizens for vaccination is still great today, citizens have formed a line in front of the hall, and the column of cars is next to the entrance ramp to the Fair.

Vaccination began in both hallways this morning at 8 o’clock.

Yesterday, all the vaccination points and covid clinics in Belgrade were disinfected, as well as the Belexpo Center, which will become a new vaccination point in the capital in the coming days.

The Institute of Biocides and Medical Ecology will be open for vaccination in the coming days.


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Author: delivery courier
