Another 72 patients, the youngest is 9 years old!



09/05/2020 21:00 – 09.05.2020 21:05

Fair coronavirus

Fair, coronavirus, Photo: Print screen / First

The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Berislav Vekić, revealed that there are 72 patients in the temporary hospital of the Belgrade Fair today, and that the youngest is nine and the oldest patient is 70 years old. He also assessed that their health is satisfactory and that he hopes that many of them will leave the temporary hospital tomorrow.

– The health status of 72 patients is satisfactory. We tested 56 of them today, and we expect a high percentage to come out of the Belgrade Fair tomorrow, he said in the RTS newspaper.

However, the closure of this and other temporary hospitals will not be rushed.

Fair coronavirus

Fair, coronavirus, Photo: Print screen / First

– This will probably be discussed early next week on crisis staff, but we will not rush. Kovid hospitals refer patients with the easiest clinical picture to temporary hospitals, and our wish is that all citizens receive adequate medical care until the final cure of the kovid infection – Vekić said.

He added that the remaining temporary hospitals are territorially distributed.

– There are 46 patients in Novi Sad, 26 in Junaković Spa, 36 patients in Selters, 121 in Niška Banja in the south and 104 patients in Soko Banja – stated the number of patients in each of the temporary hospitals.

Let us remind you that there are around 1,400 patients in hospitals today, and just over 2,700 patients have been cured. According to data from the last 24 hours, another 89 people became ill with the new corona virus and four more people died.
