Another 65 people died, 6,179 newly infected, 252 with respirators – Society


In the last 24 hours, 6,179 newly infected with the corona virus were registered in Serbia and another 65 people died. A total of 169,214 people have contracted this virus in our country so far and 1,549 deaths have been registered.

Another 65 people died, 6,179 newly infected, on respirators 252 1Tests at the Majdanpek Health Center Photo: JBK

There are currently 7,256 patients in the hospital, of which 252 are on respirators.

In the last 24 hours, 15,508 people were tested, and a total of 1,760,489 since March.

At the moment, the number of active cases registered in AP Vojvodina is 24,935 (previously 21,743), and the Institute estimates that the number of infected with the virus is much higher.

Out of a total of 416 new cases of kovid-19 infection in Šumadija district, 291 new cases were discovered in Kragujevac and 110 in Arandjelovac.

The reversal movement today demanded that a new Crisis Team be formed and that “competent people take over the management of the crisis.”

In Croatia, 2,019 new infected coronaviruses were recorded, while Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković was ordered to isolate himself for 10 days.

In the last 24 hours, 1,106 new corona virus infections have been confirmed in Slovenia and 48 patients have died, the Slovenian government announced today.

The first doses of the coronavirus vaccine from the company “Pfizer” were transferred from Belgium to the United States, a source familiar with the planning unit of the company “United Airlines” told NBC on Saturday. The vaccine will be distributed after approval, “Hill” reports.

The cost of a one-year postponement of the Tokyo Olympics is estimated to be just under two billion dollars, or about 200 billion yen.

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