Another 61 people lost the fight with kovid 19, 7,041 were recently infected


28. 11. 2020.


In Novi Pazar, 31 new infected

In Novi Pazar, out of 137 people who were tested for coronavirus, 31 are positive, announced the Institute of Public Health in Novi Pazar based on the new results.

The virus was confirmed today in 27 people from Novi Pazar and four from Raska.

28. 11. 2020.


Lots of people in the center of Belgrade

The cafes and restaurants on Knez Mihajlova Street in Belgrade are closed, but the shops are open and there are a lot of people at the moment, reports the RTS reporter.

28. 11. 2020.


205 hospitalized in Čačak

In all the wards of the Čačak General Hospital, which have become kovid
wards, 205 patients were hospitalized. The respiratory center accommodates 20 patients, 10 of whom use respirators.

In the last 24 hours, 20 patients were admitted, eight were discharged and one was transferred to Kragujevac. Last night there were four receptions in the Blue Room.

Unfortunately, three people died: M. Ch. (1952) from Čačak (test negative), DT (1935) from Čačak (not confirmed) and M. METRO. (1935) by Čačak (unconfirmed).

In the last 24 hours in the Čačak General Hospital admission triage clinic, with symptoms and signs of covid infection, there were 239 examinations, of which 140 were the first examinations.

Of the 515 results submitted for testing, 145 are positive from Čačak, 41 from Lucani, 36 from Gornji Milanovac, and 47 positive from Ivanjica.

28. 11. 2020.


Another 183 people are infected in Rasina district

In the Rasina district, in the last 24 hours, the coronavirus was confirmed in another 183 people. Most in Kruševac 87, Trstenik 76, Aleksandrovac and Varvarin six each, Ćićevac five and Bruce three.

Another 17 patients were hospitalized in the Infectious Diseases Department of the Kruševac General Hospital.

28. 11. 2020.


On respirators 254 patients

In the last 24 hours, 18,592 people were tested in Serbia and 7,041 coronaviruses were registered in them.

61 people lost the fight with kovid 19. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 1,484 people have died as a result of the infection.

7,011 people were hospitalized and 254 patients were on ventilators.

Director of the Clinical Center of Serbia prof. Dr. Milika Ashanin told RTS that there is a notable trend of increasing exams at kovid clinics in Belgrade by 60 percent. Notes that patients are constantly arriving and the system is overloaded.

“Patients are constantly arriving, waiting for an empty bed. The situation in the city and in health care institutions is too tense. In recent weeks, the trend in kovid clinics in Belgrade has increased by 60 percent. We had about 3,500 in kovid clinics during the day, and now there will be 6,200, “said Ashanin.

Epidemiologist and crisis staff member Branislav Tidorović tells RTS that and next week will be very difficult, and that at the end of the week there will be a slight calm. It points out that the flattening of the curve cannot be expected before mid-December.
