Another 5 patients died, 1,053 people were infected with coronavirus



In social institutions, 62 users and 46 employees were infected

To date, the presence of kovid 19 has been confirmed in 62 users and 46 employees in social protection institutions and homes for adults and the elderly, according to the Ministry of Labor.

The total number of cured users of social protection institutions is 1,084 and the number of cured people employed in social protection institutions is 432.

Users of social protection institutions who are estimated to be potential carriers of the virus are isolated, while employees of social protection institutions, where there is such danger, do not come to work and are in home isolation, it is stated in the ad.


The number of positive people is growing in the Machvan district, mainly in Sabac.

In the second wave during the summer, Sabac was among the cities with the highest number of infected. After the break, the number of positives grows again in the city and in the Machvan district. According to data from the Institute of Public Health, there are 43 new patients in the whole district: 25 in Šabac, 15 in Loznica, and one each in Bogatić, Mali Zvornik and Ljubovija.

In this third wave, a total of 162 people were actively ill in 6 municipalities, Sabac with 77 and Loznica with 64, in Koceljeva and Krupanj without positives.

Compared to September, when there was a total of 49, a significant increase in Šabac in one day as much as in the entire previous month.

In Šabac, individual cases were recorded in schools of one primary school and three secondary schools, positively five students and two teachers. Isolation – a measure, in groups where students are positive to the whole group to online classes.

The number of patients visiting Kovid’s two-shift outpatient practice is also increasing, and the number of doctors is increasing as there are more patients.

“The day before, we had 88 exams in two shifts, of which 29 were tested, whose test results we expect. The most common age structure that comes to mind is between 30 and 50 years old, the clinical symptoms are mild with a milder clinical picture ”, says Irena. Zikic from the “Dr Draga Ljocic Sabac” Health Center.

In recent days, the Crisis Staff has been sitting daily, the situation is being monitored and the work of the inspection services has intensified. The communal police warned violations of measures in shops and catering establishments, from not wearing customer masks, queues without distances, to the number of guests in the facilities … They are on the brink of an emergency situation in both Sabac and Loznica say authorities.

If tomorrow we have a double-digit trend again, that is, more than twenty, I hope that our center will propose to the crisis headquarters, which does not mean that the crisis headquarters will have to adopt it immediately, but I certainly hope that if we have that leap, we will introduce an extraordinary situation, “says Dr. Brako Vujković, Sr. D. Director of the Sabac Institute of Public Health.

At Sabac hospital, another patient, a total of 10 patients, no one is on a respirator. The appeal of the authorities depends on the observance of the measures.


Timotijevic: The number of exams at the Kovid Triage Center is increasing

The number of examinations of people with symptoms of coronavirus infection is increasing at the Kovid triage center of the Municipal Institute of Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis, says the director of that health institution, Ljiljana Timotijevic.

She is for Tanjug He stated that during yesterday, from 7 am to 8 pm, 131 people were examined in that health institution.

“Of that number, 116 patients came for the first examination, the rest or 15 patients were referred for a control examination. Of the total, 60 lung X-rays and 70 PCR tests were performed,” said Timotijevic, adding that they were hospitalized. treatment referred to three patients.

Today, until 12 noon, 60 patients were examined at the Institute’s triage clinic.

Patients can report for an examination at the Municipal Institute of Pulmonary Diseases and Tuberculosis Monday through Friday from 7 am to 8 pm.

“There is no need for instructions on the Kovid triage center, although it is desirable that patients present themselves at the Kovid clinic at their health center,” Timotijevic said.


On respirators 38 patients

In the last 24 hours, 9,430 people were tested in Serbia and 1,053 coronaviruses were confirmed in them.

5 more people lost the fight to kovid 19.

There are 38 patients on respirators.

“The most important thing is to maintain control during the epidemic, limit the increase in the number of infected. Before talking about aggravation, the measures that are in force must be implemented. Avoiding meetings, masks, distancing, can do a lot,” said Jankovic.

The director of “Batuta”, Verica Jovanović, told RTS that the crisis staff will continue to propose the most urgent measures according to the situation of the epidemic.
