Another 37 patients died and another 6,842 people were infected with coronavirus



Another 13 dead and 609 new infected in Kosovo and Metohija

In Kosovo and Metohija, in areas under the supervision of the Kosovo government health system, 13 people died from kovid 19 in the last 24 hours.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, 939 people have died and, according to doctors, other accompanying diseases.

The Pristina Institute of Public Health registered 609 new cases of coronavirus infection based on tests of 1,590 samples.

12,864 cases are active.


Proposal for the operation of cultural institutions until 9:00 p.m.

The Secretariat of Culture of the City of Belgrade supported the initiative of Minister of Culture Maja Gojković to exempt cultural institutions from restrictions due to the coronavirus situation.

The support followed Gojkovic’s meeting with the Belgrade Secretary of Culture, Ivan Karl, and the proposal is that cultural institutions can work until 9:00 p.m., taking into account that their programs do not represent a source of risk for the worsening of the epidemiological situation.


69 schools in Serbia have switched to online classes

Due to the bad epidemiological situation in some local autonomous governments, so far 69 schools in Serbia have switched to distance learning in whole or in part.

In Vrbas, Paracin, Dimitrovgrad and Surdulica, in all primary and secondary schools, students follow classes remotely, while in some municipalities, direct classes are partially switched to online.

Thus, in Zajecar, in 11 elementary schools, fifth to eighth grade students went to online classes, while lower grade students go to school. Four high schools also switched to online classes in that city.

In other cities, only upper primary (second cycle) students switched to online classes in Kucevo in five primary schools, in Nis in two primary schools, in Bor in five primary schools, while in Bujanovac one secondary school switched to classes online and in Kosovska Mitrovica an entire primary school.

Deputy Minister of Education Milan Pasic says for Tanjug That the local Crisis Staff for emergency situations address the Ministry of Education, through the school administrations, that due to the worsening of the epidemiological situation, the schools switch to distance education. And that it will be the same in the future.

“Currently, we have a situation where 1.8 percent of schools in Serbia have switched to distance education in the second cycle, and we have 1.9 percent of primary schools that have completed full distance education. In high schools, that’s 4.1 percent, “Pasic said. .

When asked if all schools are considering switching to online classes, he said crisis staff will decide on that in agreement with the Education Ministry, but that schools are safe places for students.


Udovicic: The situation has never been more difficult, crucial for the next 10 days

The situation has never been more difficult, says Karaburma Military Medical Center (VMC) commander Colonel Doc. Dr. Ivo Udovicic adds that 115 patients are currently being treated at that Kovid hospital, and there are 14 patients on a ventilator.

He noted that during the summer, in June and July, they had more patients in the hospital than today, but that they have never had so many patients with such a difficult clinical picture.

“We now accept patients who are seriously ill. All patients who come to us are in life danger and their transfer from the Infectious Diseases Clinic, which is a triage place for Belgrade, for us, is dramatic,” said Udovicic. Tanjug.

Expect that after ten days, the effects of the measures will be visible and that the number of infected people will begin to drop.


Belgrade is still the first in terms of the number of infected, almost 2,000

Of the 6,842 cases of infection registered in the last 24 hours, most of the newly infected are still in the capital: 1,917 new cases.

Belgrade is followed by Novi Sad with 407 infected people. Another 320 cases of infection were recorded in Kragujevac, 239 in Pancevo and 236 in Nis.

Currently, Čačak has 175 infected people and Kraljevo 169. There are 123 new patients in Smederevo and 112 in Zrenjanin.

In the last 24 hours, another 99 cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in Subotica, 90 in Vrbas, 81 in Uzice and Vranje and 72 in Leskovac.

Other cities report fewer than 70 new cases.


225 ventilator patients

6,478 people were hospitalized in kovid hospitals in Serbia and 225 patients were on ventilators.


753 users and 437 employees were infected in social protection institutions

Currently, in social care institutions and homes for adults and the elderly, the presence of coronavirus has been confirmed with 753 users and 437 employees.


A record 21,476 people were tested

In the past 24 hours, a record 21,476 people were tested in Serbia and the coronavirus was confirmed at 6,842.

Another 37 patients lost the fight with covid 19. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 1,274 people have died as a result of the infection.

The epidemic situation is serious. They are valid in Serbia more rigorous measures in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus.

Jankovic told RTS that it takes at least 10 days to see the effects of the measures, but the key remains to wear a mask, distance yourself and avoid meetings.

He points out that the moment the risk of infection in the school outweighs the risk of infection in the community, it moves to online teaching throughout the school system.

Almost a third of those infected with the virus are in Belgrade.

Provincial Health Secretary Zoran Gojković says the news is not good and 1,400 people are being treated in hospitals.
