Another 214 newly infected, 2 died, 24 on respirators


LAST CROSS SECTION OF THE CROWN IN SERBIA: 214 newer infected, 2 dead, 24 with respirators

Photo: Printscreen, Shutterstock

In the past 24 hours, 3,325 people in Serbia were tested for the corona virus, of whom 214 tested positive.

Unfortunately, 2 people died and there are 24 patients on respirators.

photo: print screen

By the way, epidemiologist Predrag Kon said today that if the masks don’t work “then there must be a lock.”

– The fact is that we do not understand that the crown is a threat, it is still said that the situation in our country is stable. However, the situation is extremely unstable, it is unfavorable for Belgrade next week, perhaps we will be in an emergency situation at the end of the week – said Kon.

Also, due to the growing number of patients in our country, from tomorrow the Belgrade Arena will be ready to receive patients with covida 19. The capacity of the Arena has been expanded with 150 new beds, so that the total number of beds is 510. In a shift there will be 30 doctors and 30 doctors. sisters.

Raven: Of the 46 specimens, 10 positive in the crown.

According to the Vranje Public Health Institute, of the 46 samples sent for testing on Saturday, 10 people tested positive for coronavirus, 6 from Vranje, two from Bujanovac and two from Presevo. 26 patients were hospitalized at the Kovid hospital of the Vranje Health Center, of which 12 tested positive for coronavirus. There are 18 patients with bronchopneumonia and 10 with oxygen. There are no children among those hospitalized and the current number of free beds is 154. 3 patients were discharged. On Saturday 48 exams were performed at the ATD Kovid clinic, and the total number of first exams was 29. Blood samples were taken from 32 patients and 28 lung X-rays were taken. 35 rapid tests were performed and bronchopneumonia was diagnosed in five patients. (TS)


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