Another 19,500 Pfizer vaccines arrive in Serbia today


Another 19,500 doses of vaccines from the manufacturer “Pfizer-Biontek” are expected to arrive in Serbia today, says the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Djerlek, adding that it is planned to vaccinate about 11,000 health workers and users of centers this week. gerontological.

Djerlek told Tanjug that a meeting of members of the National Immunization Coordination Team with Health Minister Zlatibor Loncar was held today, and that a detailed vaccination plan was made for this week.

In the future, he says, he will make a detailed vaccination plan weekly or every ten days.

This week, vaccinations will take place every day except Christmas, including weekends.

“We plan to vaccinate about 11,000 people by the weekend, with half of the vaccinations assigned to health workers and the other half to gerontology centers and social protection institutions,” Djerlek said, according to RTS.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.

