Another 102 newly infected, more than half from Belgrade, 1 died


LAST CROSS SECTION OF THE CROWN IN SERBIA: 102 more newly infected, more than half of Belgrade, 1 deceased

Photo: Zorana Jevtić, Ana Paunković, Printscreen Covid 19

In the last 24 hours, 2,906 citizens were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of which 102 tested positive.

Unfortunately, one person died. There are 20 patients on ventilators in hospitals across Serbia.

By the way, of the total number of people recently burned, 52 are from Belgrade, which is 51 percent.

From Nis and Kragujevac 7 each, Novi Sad, Kraljevo and Vranje 4 each.

photo: Printscreen

By the way, Professor Branislav Tiodorović stated that the third wave of the epidemic is underway and that this is confirmed by the increase in the number of patients. He stressed that we all have to do a lot so that the infection does not spread in large groups.

Jablanica district: 27 results arrived, all negative

In the last 24 hours, there were no new cases of coronavirus infection in the territory of the Jablanica district. The Leskovac Public Health Institute states that 27 results came from the “Vatreno oko” laboratory in Nis in the last 24 hours, of which 19 for the city of Leskovac, and that all were negative. As added, all the results from the “Vatreno oko” laboratory came out for the people who were sampled at the Leskovac Public Health Institute, Leskovac General Hospital and Jablanica district health centers in the previous days.

He notes that some private celebrations need to be held, but that he is concerned about raft parties and some cafes.


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Author: delivery courier
